Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Digital Divide

It is no surprise that analog media has been evolving into digital media throughout time since anything could be considered a medium for making artworks. The idea of digital media deriving from analog media refers to the concept of medium-specificity. Photography is a media that has been used long ago before it was evolved into digital photography, similar to video and film artworks. 

There are many advantages and disadvantages to both mediums. Analog media requires more time and work than digital media. New technology provides, not just convenience, but more options such as the ability to manipulate images more with Photoshop rather than cutting and pasting print images. Also, similar to the ability of blending-in different video scenes with computers rather than physically cutting and attaching film pieces together. However, I personally think that the medium-specificity and its usage is necessary to consider in the art world. 

Of course, there are many ways analog media could be manipulated similarly without new technologies. However, digital media such as computer-games graphics overpowers analog media's characteristics. Personally, I consider computer-games graphics to be artistic and undervalued to be seen as art. Similar to what Bishop mentions in her article about how our perceptions have been changing with digital media art and computer-games graphics like Second Life, even though how creepy Second Life may draw users in this other world or dimension.

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