Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Futurist Manifesto

Take a chill pill, Marinetti. I'm sure you have a few kernels of ideas worth considering, but between your hawkish polemic and puerile whining, you come off as a desperate and insecure artist starving for attention. And time has certainly not been kind to you.

I suppose I can't fault you for your manic prose as it adheres to your Futurist tenets (props to you there), but it does not aid in the coherence of your argument. Your ideas are frayed and under-explored: are y'all anti-art? iconoclasts? cult? The latter label is also commendable, considering how older members welcome violent deaths at the hands of fledging Futurists - that's dedication if I ever saw it.

I barely need mention the obvious anachronisms ("will fight moralism, feminism"), but will elect to examine the basis of Marinetti's manifesto. I suspect the foundation of his ideas derive from the Industrial Revolution and its pursuit of technological advancement. Perhaps, on the artistic front, Italy was falling behind its peers and Marinetti saw a need to catch up. He swung the pendulum far over at the expense of reason and decorum. Indeed, in a mere five years, Marinetti and his fellow Futurists would witness the culmination of humanity's relentless progression and the inevitable swing back to a period of heavy conservatism. Oh well.

"All efforts to aestheticize politics culminate in one point. That one point is war." - Walter Benjamin